Thursday, December 29, 2011

Here be sea lions!

This morning we drove up the coast to Moss Landing.  There was fog in Monterey, but just a few miles north it was clear and sunny, even right along the water.  We found the sea otters, just like we'd been told.  They were near a marina in sheltered water, and though too far away to photograph, they were easy to see with our binoculars.

While the otters were fun to watch, the real highlight of the day turned out to be what was on the boat dock you can see in the middle of the picture on the far side of the inlet.  Sea lions!  Literally tons and tons of sea lions.

I seriously doubt that whoever built this very nice, very substantial dock spent the money with this in mind.

Day 103
Monterey, CA

Mileage:  0

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