Friday, December 16, 2011

Having the Navy for a neighbor

If the Monterey County Fairgrounds RV Park was anything like the one at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds, we would probably be in San Diego right now.  In Santa Rosa, we were in a large, practically treeless, gravel parking lot across the street from the rest of the fairgrounds.  Here we are camped right on the fairgrounds in a small, shady, paved lot.   Just across the fence from us is the Monterey Pines Golf Course which is owned by the Navy.

My photo of the day
Since we didn't want to take the RV out today, we decided to take a long walk and explore some of the area nearby.  Much to our surprise we discovered that nestled in a residential neighborhood just a few blocks away is the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, a fenced, guarded facility that produces all the weather forecasts used by the US military.  I was not silly enough to take any pictures.  The closest I got was my photo of the day, taken in the front yard of a house across the street.

Day 90
Monterey, CA

Daily Mileage:  0

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