Sunday, January 1, 2012

The winds of change

Where we are physically and emotionally this New Year's Day represents an unimaginable shift from where we were just a year ago.

One trip around the sun used to merely measure the journey from the cradle to the grave--the growth of children, the arrival of breasts and facial hair, the onset of old age.  By counting the years, you knew what to expect from life.  You knew who you were supposed to be.

But that is no longer the case.  The changes we have experienced over the last year have nothing to do with aging or the orderly passing of time.  It is like we are being remade as people, and it is happening at an ever increasing rate.  It is both exciting and unsettling.

I considered wrapping up this blog.  Final post, December 31, 2011--that had a nice ring to it.  But here I am on January 1, 2012, still writing.  Maybe I won't post every day, I can't decide.  For now, at least, it will go on as usual, but I make no promises.

Today, it was t-shirt weather at the beach, our nicest day here so far, and we have had some beautiful days.  Nancy saw pelicans fishing for the first time.  This is something I haven't seen since I was a kid in Florida.  They fly over the shallow water just offshore and when they spot a fish, they tuck in their wings and dive headfirst into the water, sometimes from quite a height.  I tried to catch it on video, but it proved to be way beyond my skill level.

We also stayed at the beach until after sunset, the first time we have done that here.

Day 106
Monterey, CA

Daily Mileage:  0

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