Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is this January or July?

Yesterday, it was in the 80s and despite being cautious, I got a little sunburned.  Today, it hit 83.  After more than a decade in Alaska where 65 degrees is a warm summer day and 75 is a scorcher, this kind of heat makes my wish I was three again and could just strip naked and stand under a lawn sprinkler.

We tried to do our laundry this morning but the first place we went to used a system where you put money on a card then used the card to operate the washers and driers.  If we were regular customers, we would have found this a great idea, but since we will never be back, it present some problems, like not knowing how much we would need to put on the card to do just one load of wash, so we went back to the Laundromat we used last week and did it the old fashion way, by dropping quarters into a slot.

This afternoon we went to Kohl's.  I have a pair of jeans that are really comfortable and I have worn them everyday we have been on the road.  After 14,000 miles, I have literally worn out the seat.  Since they came from Kohl's, we located the nearest one and went in search of a replacement.  I found a reasonable facsimile of my old pair, but could not buy them because they weren't on sale--the 11th Commandment clearly states:  Thou shalt not pay full price for anything at Kohl's, ever!

This egret uses the grassy slopes of the park as its hunting grounds and we see him almost all day, everyday, but today was the first time he had ever been close enough to get a picture.  This was taken on our late afternoon walk with Sadie shortly before sunset.

Coming back from Point Loma yesterday, we stopped at a Fresh and Easy grocery store in Ocean Beach.  We had never seen one before and wanted to check it out.  Their name pretty much sums up what they are.  The store is small by today's standards because most of the packaged items they carry are their own brand and made fresh.  The packages are mostly sized for one or two people, they don't use any preservatives, artificial flavors or artificial colors, and are very reasonably priced.  We bought a number of items.

Tonight we had three of them for dinner.  Their teriyaki chicken was just okay; the mac and cheese was good; but the tiramisu was to die for!

Day 131
Bonita, CA

Daily Mileage:  0

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