Friday, September 23, 2011

The end of the Al-Can

It was a long, cold night.  We were up and on the road at first light.  When we stopped for breakfast, I snapped this picture of the RV.  Poor baby needs a bath!

At 9:45, we finally reached Dawson Creek, the end of the Al-Can and the beginning of the Canadian prairie.  An hour later, we crossed from British Columbia into Alberta and entered the Mountain Time Zone.

A couple of hours later at the town of Wembley, the highway turned from southeast to east and became 4-lanes.  This may not seem like such a big deal, but it is the first time I have driven on a 4-lane road since 35 miles out of Anchorage on the first day of the trip.

For the rest of the day, it was cruise control and easy sailing.

We stopped for the night in Valleyview.  There actually is no valley or view, but it's our first warm evening, our laundry is caught up, and we've all just had our first showers in 6 days, so not much else matters.

Day 6
Historical Milepost 114, British Columbia to Valleyview, Alberta

Daily Mileage:  266.6
Total Mileage:  1,744.8

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