Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Texas Hill Country

The weather since leaving Florida has been warm and muggy, not a combination that we see much in Alaska, but we coped.  Last night, however, it was hot and muggy, and getting to sleep proved difficult.  There was a fairly serious storm forecast for overnight, but it just produced a little rain that bumped up the humidity another notch.

We woke to mostly cloudy skies that cleared as soon as we started driving inland.  This didn't last very long and before we reached San Antonio, we ran into a band of torrential rain that reduced the visibility to a few car lengths.

Once past San Antonio, which sits right on the edge of the Hill Country, the clouds vanished completely and the rest of the day was all blue sky and sunshine.

I found the Hill Country fascinating.  Every road cut reveals the layers of limestone from ancient seabeds that underlie the entire area.  It is difficult to imagine the forces necessary to transform land once covered by inland seas into this broken landscape 2,000 feet above sea level.

Tonight is clear and the stars are bright.  On my way back from the showers, I saw my first shooting star.

Day 59
Palacios, TX to Junction, TX

Daily Mileage:  291.5
Total Mileage:  9,672.3

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