Our next destination is going to be Niagara Falls and we are taking the shortcut through Canada to get there. We were originally planning to stay through the weekend and leave first thing Monday morning, but the Ambassador Bridge to Windsor, Ontario is located in downtown Detroit, and the thought of driving in morning rush hour traffic made us rethink the plan.
Departure was moved back to today. We would take our time breaking camp, leave whenever we were ready, and make it a short day on the road, driving for a few hours then stopping early for the night. Then we discovered that the Detroit Marathon was being run this morning, that the race route was through downtown Detroit and across the Ambassador Bridge, and that a record number of participants had signed up! Suddenly, an early afternoon departure seemed like an excellent idea.
This worked out fine as the sisters plus Ron all showed up at the RV to join us for lunch and send us off in style. We picked a restaurant just down the street from the Moose Lodge, and I tried pastitso, Greek lasagna, for the first time. I'm a closet Italian and generally not a big fan of Greek cuisine, but I'd definitely order this one again.
We hit the road about 1:00. We dumped one last time and stopped for gas and then went the wrong way to get on I-75. Downtown, we ran into some detours that looked like they were race related and not all the lanes on the bridge were open, but thankfully there was only light traffic.
This was our third encounter with customs and our first at a major border crossing. There was a few minutes delay because we picked the wrong line (temporarily closed, maybe for a shift change) and we were about the 7th car in line, but the whole thing still only took about 15 minutes. The only real difference to me was the customs agent who was young and seemed disappointed that I gave him no reason to shoot me.
It was 2:00 before we cleared customs and another half hour or more before we were actually back on the open road, so we didn't get too far today. As has been the case everywhere, open RV parks are hard to find. The one were in tonight will close for the season at the end of this month. We are camped right on Lake Erie, and though the weather is windy and cool, it is a lovely spot.
Day 29
Taylor, MI to Port Glasgow, Ontario
Daily Mileage: 113.0
Total Mileage: 6,383.8
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