Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Family time

Here are a couple of the pictures I took on our morning walk today.

About 11:00, we arrived in Moreno Valley where Janet works as the Office Supervisor in a large auto parts distribution center.  We hadn't expected to be there long, but Janet wanted to be sure that none of her co-workers felt slighted, so we were take around and introduce to everyone, which took the better part of an hour.

She took the rest of the day off.  Nancy and Sadie rode with her and she followed me back to the campground.  We visited until it was time for her to pick up her son from school.  We all went along and on the way, she detoured to show us her apartment.  We had hardly gotten inside when one of her two male bull dogs jumped up and put a three inch scratch on my arm.  Sadie did not get on with the boys, either, so we didn't stay long.

From the school we returned to the RV, visited some more, then took them out to dinner.  We did not get back to the park until 7:00 and by then the campground gate was closed.  Only then did we realize that we hadn't taken the gate code with us, so after saying our good-byes at the park entrance, Nancy and I climbed over the fence and hiked back to the RV.

As I mentioned yesterday, the old section of the campgrounds is on the far side of the new campgrounds.  What I didn't say was that we are parked at the far end of the old campgrounds.  We were only lightly dressed, but fortunately it was a mild evening.

Day 137
Rubidoux, CA

Daily Mileage:  43.2
Total Mileage:  14,086.2